To have your self-realization please visit this web page: Sahaja Yoga Meditation teaches how to awaken your kundalini (spiritual energy) which is within you. You can also watch a video on self realization at google at this site:
If anyone wants to buy Sahaja Yoga meditation videos or audio Cd's, they can go to:
or for in the United States of America:
If you are new to this type of meditation then you should first go through the steps leading to Self-Realization shown in my videos if you search for Self Realization under my videos. Then you should watch the public porgrams given by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. The other talks will be hard to comprehend without having the beginning knowledge of Sahaja Yoga. Good luck with everything.
Subtle System Animation
To have your self-realization please visit this web page: Sahaja Yoga Meditation teaches how to awaken your kundalini (spiritual energy) which is within you. You can also watch a video on self realization at google at this...