Meditation on Twin Hearts or Twin Heart Meditation (TWHM) is an advanced meditation technique intended to achieve illumination or universal consciousness through activation and development of the heart and crown energy centers. The heart and crown energy centers are referred to as twin hearts. Meditation on Twin Hearts is an invaluable form of world service that helps harmonize the earth by blessing it with loving-kindness, peace, joy and goodwill. Scientific investigations performed to evaluate the efficacy of meditation practice, reveal significant positive findings following Meditation on Twin Hearts.
MCKS Meditation on Twin Hearts (TWHM)
Meditation on Twin Hearts or Twin Heart Meditation (TWHM) is an advanced meditation technique intended to achieve illumination or universal consciousness through activation and development of the heart and crown energy centers. The heart and crown energy centers are...
Meditation on Twin Hearts or Twin Heart Meditation (TWHM) is an advanced meditation technique intended to achieve illumination or universal consciousness through activation and development of the heart and crown energy centers. The heart and crown energy centers are...