Album: Buddhist Chants & Peace Music.
Track 1: "Hanshan Temple" (23:38 mis);
Track 2: Bow To Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva (50:07 mins).
Hanshan Temple details (from the sleeve):
Performers: Jin Long Uen & Song Huei Liou
Vocals: Buddhism Chanting Group
Instruments: Two-String, Flute, Baa-U, Hand Bell, Wooden Drum
a search in Amazon for [Buddhist Chants and Peace Music] will reveal that the album is notably inexpensive.
animation created by scripting the Fireworks paint program to draw a series of pictures with hand-scripted star shapes. Plus a minor bit of Fireworks scripting to do the fading title at the start.
Buddhist Chants & Peace Music - Hanshan Temple
Album: Buddhist Chants & Peace Music.
Track 1: "Hanshan Temple" (23:38 mis);
Track 2: Bow To Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva (50:07 mins).
Hanshan Temple details (from the sleeve):
Performers: Jin Long Uen & Song Huei Liou
Vocals: Buddhism Chanting Group
Track 1: "Hanshan Temple" (23:38 mis);
Track 2: Bow To Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva (50:07 mins).
Hanshan Temple details (from the sleeve):
Performers: Jin Long Uen & Song Huei Liou
Vocals: Buddhism Chanting Group