A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon Pt2 - April 15, 2010
Toms Thoughts and Observations
Final Thoughts
Only time will tell if we are indeed in a planetary ascent as the Hathors believe. Right now so much caca is hitting the fan its hard to tell where we are in the process of ascending, or whether we are ascending at all. Our situation on Earth reminds me of that story about two children who were promised a pony. Walking into the barn one day, they looked around to see a giant humongous pile of horse manure. They squealed with excitement, There must be a pony around here somewhere!
So perhaps with so much shit flying around, there might indeed be a pony in the wings, so to speak. Of course, true to my jaded personality, I anticipate it being a jackass. But I digress into my own skepticism.
I confess it is a peculiar situation for me to channel a group of beings who always seem to look to the up side of things and hold a vision for human greatness, that I, as a human, sometimes do not share.
And yet, I know, too, that in the midst of the immense chaos and negativity that we are all facing, miracles are taking place. But most of these miracles of grace occur within and between individual persons. And, for the most part, they are not reported in those mind-numbing hypnotic suggestion marathons called mainstream news.
I know, too, that we live in a strange and magical universe where new unimaginable possibilities can and do sometimes appear as sudden, unexpected realities. And what was once a seemingly solid reality can swiftly disappear from the radar to become history.
In the end, I think a lot of what happens to humanity is caused by sheer happenstance and randomness. But some of what happens to us is clearly a direct result of what we think and do, both individually and collectively. And it is here that I hold the greatest hope for us, in spite of my jaded skepticism, and in spite of the continual mind-numbing manipulation that we are all subjected to by our corporate overlords, our governments, our institutions and our religions.
I sense that many more of us on this truly amazing planet are starting to wake up in ways that could never have been imagined by the Controllers. In spite of all their vast resources to hypnotize and control us through fear, malice and disinformation, magic is afoot.
There is an exponentially increasing mass of us who are waking up in, oh, so many ways.
Some of us are waking up to the unsettling reality that our political and economic leaders have been robbing us blind, robbing us of our human rights and stealing from our piggy banks to feed their insatiable desires for money, status and power--even to the detriment of those they are sworn to serve.
Others of us are waking up to the shocking reality that, with few exceptions, our religions have hijacked our highest spiritual aspirations. And through an odd twist of irony, many of them have become sources of evil in the world—if we define evil as that which creates harm within or between members of our human family. A quick glance at history and the current worldwide upsurge in fundamentalism and religious-based intolerance should be more than enough to make this clear.
A growing number of people, worldwide, are also waking up to the truth that we are part of nature, not separate from it. And to them the loss of a species is not an insignificant thing. Life for this group is a sacred responsibility, and the need to care for the Earth and its vast ecosystems is a self-evident truth.
Others of us are waking up from the trance of three-dimensional reality to realize that there is much, much more to our lives and to who we are than our culture would have us believe.
And these are just a few areas where we human primates are waking up.
Perhaps the Hathors are right. Perhaps there is an evolutionary wave of energy moving throughout all of space. And perhaps, as they say, we are in the midst of a great experiment—the evolution of consciousness in matter.
But whatever the reasons may be, it seems to me that more and more of us are choosing to not push the snooze buttons on our Cosmic Alarm Clocks. And instead of continuing in a vain attempt to remain unconscious, more and more of us are choosing the radical, courageous and daring act to wake up from the Great Sleep of Maya and the miasma of our civilization.
What will happen when most of the world wakes up is anybodys guess.(...)
Read more on and download the music on: http://www.tomkenyon.com
Music: Heart Dimensional Attunement (Ascent) & Dimensional Attunement of the Pineal performed by Tom Kenyon
© 2010 Tom Kenyon. All rights reserved. You may make copies of this message and distribute it in any media so long as you change nothing, credit the author, and include this copyright notice and web address, www.tomkenyon.com
A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon Pt2 - April 15, 2010
A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon Pt2 - April 15, 2010
Toms Thoughts and Observations
Final Thoughts
Only time will tell if we are indeed in a planetary ascent as the Hathors believe. Right now so much caca is hitting the fan its hard to...
Toms Thoughts and Observations
Final Thoughts
Only time will tell if we are indeed in a planetary ascent as the Hathors believe. Right now so much caca is hitting the fan its hard to...